Building trust and personalized wealth management for long-term financial success.

Building trust and personalized wealth management for long-term financial success.

Our primary focus is to meet the needs, goals, and objectives of our clients comfortably. We aim to connect individuals’ finances with their lives by fostering long-term collaborative relationships with them, their families, and other advisors such as attorneys and accountants. We advocate for building personal relationships and trusted partners and adhering to a well-defined plan.


Grow your wealth with strategic planning tailored to your goals.

Grow your wealth with strategic planning tailored to your goals.

No one advisor can do and know everything. We believe in the power of a team, leveraging each person’s unique talents and expertise, to deliver the very best to the families we serve.

As you accumulate money in whatever you do, developing a plan and adhering to the plan, to build wealth is key to providing your family with flexibility down the road. We provide a framework – how much to contribute to what “buckets”, how to diversify over time, how to leverage debt appropriately – to provide the best probability to reach your future goals.

Leveraging world class institutional research, we simplify the complex world of investments to design and manage your portfolio to meet your family’s needs now and in the future.

Your emotions are likely the biggest risk to derailing a great financial plan. Our team is trained, both formally and from decades of experience, to counsel and offer healthy perspective during the most stressful times.

Whether your are a business owner or executive for a Fortune 500 company, the retirement plans available to you can vary greatly, and understanding the nuts and bolts of all these options can be difficult. Taking into account your overall picture, we provide direction to optimize the tax planning and wealth accumulation opportunities available to you.

Executives often have benefit programs that could offer deferred compensation plans, stock options, or specialized life insurance, to just name a few. We help determine what options are best for you, and as decisions need to be made over the course of time, you can rely on your team at SWA.

We can help you manage the multifaceted issues associated with integrating your business and personal wealth, which greatly depends on the stage of your business: startup, growth, or maturity.

Whether your goal is eliminate debt or use lending to help maximize growth in your business or other ventures, we can build these strategy options in your financial plan, providing you with a framework for optimal decision making in the context of your total picture.

Supporting current and future education for your children and grandchildren is a primary goal for manyof our clients. Implementing a comprehensive plan to support educational needs can be multi-tiered, and when successfully executed, children and grandchildren can be provided many educational opportunities, as well as potentially save taxes (income and estate) in the future.


Protecting your wealth for you and your family’s peace of mind.

Protecting your wealth for you and your family’s peace of mind.

“What if” scenarios have to be evaluated to ensure your family is protected from unplanned events. From death, disability, to healthcare issues, these planning areas must be properly assessed and planned for to protect your family’s wealth.

Estate planning is an ongoing process. We review your estate plan regularly, and whenever you experience a life-changing event or there are changes to estate tax law that affect your family, we elevate the need for a formal review with your attorney and then lead the implementation of the updated estate plan.

Beneficiary designations on retirement accounts, life insurance, or annuities supersede a will or revocable trust. There is a common misconception that estate planning documents direct all assets upon a death, but that is not the case. Therefore, it is critical that beneficiaries are reviewed periodically and updated over time to coordinate with changing estate plans.

Taxes are a central component of financial planning. Almost every financial planning issue – whether it is retirement, investments, cash flow, insurance, or estate planning – has tax considerations, and, along with your tax professional, we can often provide a great deal of value in helping you minimize your overall tax burden.

Our team-based approach allows us to provide a breadth of guidance to your family, but for specific tax and legal advice, developing a healthy working relationship with your other key advisors is optimal. We often lead the meetings, correspondence, and coordination to make sure any appropriate planning issue involves the appropriate input from the entire professional team, decisions are made, and then the agreed upon plan is executed.

Health care continues to be one of the largest expenses in retirement. We help with decisions about when to stop working, when to take Social Security, and how to generate cash flow in retirement. All these factor into how you prepare to meet health care expenses.
Every entrepreneur should begin with the end in mind. No matter if you are planning to grow your business another 20 years or looking for transition options now, you need a framework for your eventual exit. We identify and clarify your objectives, quantify your resources, evaluate your options with your professional team, and ensure all is connected to your personal wealth and estate planning.
As part of a family’s estate plan, we help align financial accounts and other assets to ensure the plan is implemented effectively, which often times means funding and managing revocable or irrevocable trusts. If a corporate trustee is needed, we can partner with our custodian’s trust company to offer trust administration capabilities.

We help identify risks and uncertainty, project the impact of adverse events, and help ensure that you have built your financial picture to weather unexpected storms.


Enjoy your wealth with careful monitoring and next-stage planning.

Enjoy your wealth with careful monitoring and next-stage planning.

We fully recognize that you value help and guidance for your entire family. From providing financial planning 101 guidance to your grandson who is starting his first job to helping determine how you can help best support your daughter’s new entrepreneurial venture, we are here to serve your entire family unit.
Setting goals, monitoring progress, and adjusting if needed along the way is the essential foundation of the financial planning process. At the onset of any relationship, we develop a personalized comprehensive financial plan that outlines the priorities now and in the future, and then our team monitors and adapts over the years, based on many potential changes, to ensure you are making progress to being where you want to be.
Any big career or business transition can be stressful and dauting, but we can help by providing confidence, with detailed analysis and planning, to provide a framework as to how to “pay yourself” from the assets you’ve accumulated, when to “turn on” income sources available, and how to account for taxes, just to name a few. We are here to help provide confidence in your financial future before and after your transition.
Will my assets and income sources last? Will I need to make lifestyle adjustments down the road… or will I need to focus more on gifting to avoid future estate taxes? Accounting for all assets, income sources, and taking into account lifestyle expenses, charitable and family gifting, we can provide projections that can provide projections, and adjust over time as needed, to provide a framework for decision making now and in years to come.
Please do not listen to your friends, family, business partners, co-workers when making an important income strategy election. Every client is unique given resources, family and health dynamics, just to name a few variable. These decisions should never be made in silo and should be part of a comprehensive plan, which our team will develop for you.
In the accumulation phase of life, you were saving. But, if you’re at the distribution phase, you are drawing down your assets. If you don’t have a plan for maximizing your withdrawal strategies, then you will potentially be paying more in taxes in retirement than you think. We help you determine which assets and account money should be taken from, and in what order.
After years of hard work and dedication, building a legacy you can pass along might be one of your top priorities. We can help you with legacy planning, which often times involves more than just money. It’s a way to help set up future generations for success, positively impact your community and live your values.
It feels good to be generous with the resources entrusted to your care, and making a plan for your charitable donations can be even more empowering. From lifetime gifting to planning ahead to make gifts in retirement or after your death, we can evaluate and implement strategies to meet your goals, all while benefiting from certain tax advantages.
Many clients prioritize making difference in the lives of family members through family gifting. From helping grandkids education needs to advance gifting to minimize estate tax exposure, we can help evaluate all the strategic options available to you.

Our mission is to provide personalized service that revolves around you and your individual needs and goals. Let us know how we can best serve you.

Our mission is to provide personalized service that revolves around you and your individual needs and goals. Let us know how we can best serve you.