Key Takeaways:

  • SWA helps you Grow, Protect, and Enjoy your wealth by focusing on more than just investment management.
  • SWA Senior Wealth Advisors can be your sounding board for key, strategic financial advice.
  • SWA can be the quarterback of your business exit, making sure you are prepared before, during and after the successful sale!

We are officially into summer signified by days filled with sunshine, the sound of splashing water in pools, long vacations, smells of food cooking on the grill and perhaps attendance at a good, ole fashioned baseball game. While baseball, arguably still considered America’s favorite pastime sport, may not be the first thing you think about when you dream of summer, there are certainly several analogies comparing sports to business. For example, see if you have heard these famous cliches:

“Teamwork makes the dream work”

“There is no I in TEAM”

“Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results”

Ok, the last one is one I have not heard of before, but I did find it fitting for what many of our business owner clients hope to achieve when selling their businesses – uncommon results! If they desire uncommon results, then how is it possible to achieve such an outcome? Besides having a great business that has proven successful through the years, in order to achieve uncommon results then you must surround yourself with a team that excels in key areas that unlocks the value that you know is inherent in your business.

Meet the Starting Lineup

When it comes to selling your business, a great “deal team” includes key roles that bring specific skillsets to the team that can help you achieve maximum returns on your business.

The Key Roles of a Great Deal Team

Financial Advisor
The financial advisor is the quarterback of the team and likely is an advisor whom you have worked with before you decided to sell your business and likely one you will continue to work with long after the sale. The best financial advisors will help to connect the dots between the other roles on the team while ensuring key activities are on track to achieving a successful sale.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
CPAs will understand the financial health and history of the business in the form of financial statements, which will be key in valuation and auditing scenarios. They will also have a clear understanding of the tax implications on the various pathways of an exit.

Mergers & Acquisition (M&A) Attorney
Having legal representation that reviews contracts and deal documents thus protecting owners during and after the deal is crucial. A great M&A attorney brings experience to the team by having seen different exit scenarios play out, thereby helping you avoid any pitfalls or oversights.

Investment Banker / Business Broker
A great banker or broker helps to facilitate the business negotiations – unemotionally – that ultimately leads to more potential buyers, favorable terms, and a desired deal price. A word of caution – Don’t try to negotiate a deal by yourself! It has been proven over time that you will gain a higher value by having a 3rd party negotiate on your behalf.

Estate Planner
Estate planning attorneys can help minimize estate taxes as well as create, review and update wills and trusts for the family, while having a firm grasp on the impacts of the sale of the business to your estate.

What is SWA’s Role in a Business Exit?

Saling Wealth Advisors can be your business exit quarterback! SWA will not only be your “go to” team member coordinating roles, convening parties, and ensuring key activities get done, but by leveraging our experience in business exits we can help prepare you before, during and after the sale, thus leading you to protecting and enjoying your wealth according to your personal and business financial plan.

Do you want to achieve uncommon business exit results? Then make sure you have a team around you that can fuel the results you want to achieve!

If you have questions concerning your preparation for a potential business exit or in general regarding your personal financial plan, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Saling Wealth Advisors team.

Chief Strategy Officer


This material is not financial advice or an offer to sell any product and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security. The opinions expressed are those of the Saling Wealth Advisors’ Management Investment Team and are subject to change without notice.

Saling Wealth Advisors (“SWA”) is an independent SEC registered investment advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. This material is provided for informational and educational purposes only. More information about SWA including our advisory services, fees, and objectives can be found in our Form ADV Part 2A, which is available upon request.

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